ISO 9001:2015
Modern means of measuring equipment
  • Coordinate measuring machines Hexagon DEA
    Coordinate measuring machines Hexagon DEA

    The DEA Global family of coordinate measuring machines is the best solution for fast and high-precision control.

  • 3D scanning and reverse engineering services
    3D scanning and reverse engineering services

    We offer high-precision 3D-scanning services for objects of various sizes and shapes. We can scan both at our office and at the customer’s site. Scanning accuracy depends on the needs of the customer and the equipment we use.

    KODA - official Renishaw partner in Ukraine

    Modern measurement systems that have no analogues in accuracy, control and reliability.

  • ASA Rotameters and Flowmeters
    ASA Rotameters and Flowmeters

    Italian metal rotameters and electromagnetic flowmeters for measuring and recording the flow of liquids and gases

  • New radar transmitter VEGA
    New radar transmitter VEGA

    The compact and fast radar level transmitter VEGAPULS 42 for measurement of liquids and bulk materials is an ideal solution for афсещкн automation tasks, equipped with a modern IO-Link output interface.

Industry solutions 


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