ISO 9001:2015
Modern means of measuring equipment


Weighbridges for weighing in static and dynamics KODA-WD are in the state register of measuring equipment of Uzbekistan

27 July 2011

From this summer weighbridges for weighing in static and dynamics KODA-WD are in the state register of measuring equipment of Uzbekistan at No. 02.2374-11.
The weighibridges now have the certificate of recognition of the approved type of measurement equipment № 02.3734, and UA Company "KODA" has the right to use the national certification mark of Uzbekistan.


    ПО для учета на весовых дозаторах и парках емкостей

  • KGW

    Крановые весы для тяжелых условий эксплуатации, включая взвешивание жидкого металла