ISO 9001:2015
Modern means of measuring equipment


To the 75th anniversary of TESA discounts on products up to 30%

15 September 2016

Dear Sirs,
Company KODA as TESA official representative in Ukraine, to the 75th anniversary of TESA offers discounts according to the catalogue TESA Hits. All products are available for order until the new year. Prices in the catalog are given without metrological certification (if necessary can be made for an additional fee).

Please contact us for additional information.

  • Уровнемер VEGAPULS 63

    Радарный уровнемер для агрессивных жидкостей

  • KGW

    Крановые весы для тяжелых условий эксплуатации, включая взвешивание жидкого металла