ISO 9001:2015
Modern means of measuring equipment


KODA invites to visit the exhibition Oil. Gas Service-2017

13 February 2017

KODA company invites to visit the exhibition "Oil. Gaz. Service-2017", which will be held in Poltava on 16-17 February, 2017.

Venue: Independence Square 5, IBC Exhibition Hall

On KODA stand No. 11 will be presented the equipment for measuring and leveling substances, pressure and temperature measuring instruments, electronic scales, and other measuring instruments.

New VEGA radar level meters will be presented:

• VEGAPULS 64 - the newest radar level gauge for liquids with working frequency of 80 GHz;

• VEGAPULS WL S 61 is an economical liquid level measurement, equipped with a Bluetooth radio interface;

• Indicating and adjustment module VEGA PLICSCOM with built-in Bluetooth radio interface and magnetic stylus.

 The exhibition is held with the support of:

• Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine

• Poltava Regional State Administration of the NJSC "Naftogaz of Ukraine"

• Technical Committee for Standardization "NAFTOGAZnormuvannya" (TC 138)

The branch partner of the exhibition is UKRGAZVIDOBUVANNYA.

  • Уровнемер VEGAPULS 63

    Радарный уровнемер для агрессивных жидкостей

  • KGW

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