ISO 9001:2015
Modern means of measuring equipment


UA Company KODA Ltd successfully passed the recertification audit under the new international standard ISO 9001:2015

26 September 2018

In August 2018 UA Company KODA Ltd successfully passed the recertification audit, which was carried out by the international certification body Bureau Veritas Certification Holding SAS – UK Branch with the purpose of confirming of the quality management system to the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015.

Quality management system UA Company KODA Ltd has been certified since 2006 and up to the present time, it is maintained and improved, which is confirmed annually by external audits.

UA Company KODA Ltd this year has expanded and confirmed the scope of certification: «Design, manufacturing, adjustment, sale and service of measuring instruments and systems, automation tools and software». 

On positive results of recertification audit UA Company KODA Ltd received a new certificate valid until September 17, 2021.


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