ISO 9001:2015
Modern means of measuring equipment


WIKA has introduced a new accessory for the dials of thermometers and manometers

21 June 2019

WIKA introduced red-green sectors for stickers on the dials of thermometers and pressure gauges. The company offers a suitable kit for dials with a nominal diameter of 63, 100 and 160 mm.

Red and green sectors can be glued to any place of viewing glasses of different sizes, even on already mounted devices. This makes it easy to select any desired area of the scale. When ordering a small batch of devices, the new accessory is a cost-effective solution for scale conversion. Due to the use of materials resistant to temperature and UV radiation, these self-adhesive sectors have a long shelf life. These stickers are translucent, so the dial remains easy to read.


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  • KGW

    Крановые весы для тяжелых условий эксплуатации, включая взвешивание жидкого металла