ISO 9001:2015
Modern means of measuring equipment


Sale TESA-HITS 2019-2

11 October 2019

Ladies and gentlemen,

KODA, as the official distributor of HEXAGON MI TESA (Switzerland), is pleased to offer you the TESA-HITS 2019-2 sale on metrology equipment and tools.

The promotion is valid until December 31, 2019.

We hope that this offer will cause your interest and will solve current metrological tasks.

You can get acquainted with the full list of promotional items for metrological equipment and tools by downloading the file using this link.


    ПО для учета на весовых дозаторах и парках емкостей

  • KGW

    Крановые весы для тяжелых условий эксплуатации, включая взвешивание жидкого металла