ISO 9001:2015
Modern means of measuring equipment


TESA-HITS 2021-1 Sale

14 April 2021

Dear partners, customers and friends of KODA!

As the official distributor of the company HEXAGON MI TESA (Switzerland) we are happy to announce TESA-HITS 2021-1 sale of metrological equipment and tools.

(the promotion is valid until 06/30/2021)

We will be glad if the offer arouses your interest and allows you to solve current metrological problems!

You can view the full list of promotional items by downloading the file in the attachment.

More information about TESA-HITS 2021-1:

Page 2-3: Analog Instrument Kits

  • two tool sets, including basic metrological tools, can be used for product quality control in the laboratory or in production;
  • the range of calipers for large measuring ranges at very attractive prices;
  • a selection of best-selling universal vernier calipers: from vernier to shockproof indicator and electronic models IP67 TESACAL.

Page 4: Electronic indicators and hour-type indicators

  • The ETALON watch-type indicator range, as well as the best DIGICO 705 model with advanced features (memorizing the culmination points for measuring holes with a direct display of the measured size - great for use with Veribor nutrometers).

Page 5: Veribor Nutrometers and Measuring tripods
control of holes with high precision. The repeatability of Veribor nutromers is 0.5 microns.

Page 6: IMICRO Micrometer Nutrometers

  • the only self-centering micrometer nutrometer on the market that complies with the "ABBE principle". Thanks to the unique mechanical design (spiral inner cone), the ambient temperature does not affect the measurement results of the nutrometer.

Page 7-8: Measuring large sizes

  • UNIMASTER uses a unique mechanical connection that provides very high accuracy (5 microns) for direct measurement of internal and external dimensions in the range from 250 mm to more than 2 meters.

More detailed operation of the system is shown in the video:

Page 9: Compact µ-Hite Altimeter

  • this standalone measuring station (granite base included) with an accuracy of 1 micrometer-ideal for shop conditions (1D and 2D measurements, hole diameter measurement, center distance, height, thickness) and as part of a production line.

More details: brochure in the attachment

We wish you success!

We will be happy to answer any of your questions!


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