Автомобільні ваги Модуль-А - Цифрова система Bilanciai
- КОДА (Ukraine)
Except from all advantages of Weighbridges Module A construction, the scales with digital technologies application ensure a higher level of technical features of the device and guarantee its tamper-resistance.
- maximum tamper-resistance;
- risen stability of scales operation under voltage surges;
- higher stability of scales and resistance to side loadings: exploitation in strong wind and seismic activity;
- increased protection from the hit of lightning discharges. The use of original mountain kits decreases the probability of system failures if lightning discharges hit scales or nearby territory;
- in case of failure of one or several load cells, additional calibration of scales is not required, it is enough to replace the load cell or load cells and to carry out correcting of indicator’s options in a phone mode with the experts of the UA Company "KODA" Ltd;
- in case of failure of the indicator it is enough to copy the calibration data from system of load cells of the damaged indicator to the new indicator. Afterwards the capacity of scales will be restored. This procedure can also be conducted in a telephone mode within the shortest possible time;

To secure the commercial accounting our company offers TASKODA software, which is based on the long-term experience of weighbridges and software manufacturing and satisfies basic requirements of large and small companies, which need to organize the accounting of trade flow going through automobile scales.
On customer’s demand weighbridges can be equipped with automatic barriers and the monitoring system of motor transport movement and recognition of car numbers, measurement of transport flow characteristics.
The monitoring system of motor transport movement allows:
- to read the licence plate number (state registration sign) automatically and to record it in a journal;
- to record the results of recognition in a specialized database of all vehicles which have passed control zone, including image, date, registration time and movement directions of each truck;
- to realize the algorithms of adaptive regulation and automobile flow management taking into account real road and transport conditions, to fix traffic jams, to calculate real loadings of automobile flow through weightbridges etc.;
- to connect to the databases created earlier;
- to create operative bases and carry out updating without a stop in a system work;
- to form a sound signal to the operator in order to immediately draw the attention in case of emergencies;
- to model any combinations of system reactions;
- to work out samples, to create reports with various parameters;
- to communicate with external devices - traffic lights, barriers, systems of weight control;
- to measure movement speed with the certified radar or by image size change (with the firm fixation of video camera).
The specialists of the UA Company “KODA” Ltd carry out the full cycle of work, from design to mounting, startup setting and agreeing the scales with the Ukraine regional authorities, conducting their warranty and post-warranty maintanence. At the same time all the customer’s requests on the choice of installation sites, fulfillment, overall dimensions of scales etc are covered.