Equipment for measuring roundness, roughness and shape

Equipment for measuring roughness, ripple, micro- and macro profiles (WAVELINE)

Equipment for measuring roughness, ripple, micro- and macro profiles (WAVELINE)

Manufacturer:JENOPTIK Industrial Metrology Germany (Germany)

Portable equipment and stationary measuring systems for control of roughness, ripple, micro- and macro profiles, shapes.
Equipment for measuring deviations from roundness and shape (FORMLINE)

Equipment for measuring deviations from roundness and shape (FORMLINE)

Manufacturer:JENOPTIK Industrial Metrology Germany (Germany)

Measuring systems for controlling the deviation of shape and position.
Equipment for non-contact measurement of bodies of rotation (OPTICLINE)

Equipment for non-contact measurement of bodies of rotation (OPTICLINE)

Manufacturer:JENOPTIK Industrial Metrology Germany (Germany)

Flexible optical control systems for parts such as bodies of rotation for fast and accurate control of geometry, shape and position.

See also:
