Modern means of measuring equipment
Industry solutions
Weighing equipment
Wagon scales
Crane scales
Platform scales
Industrial weighing systems
Platform trade scales
Counting scales
Trade scales
Scales with label printer
Scales for animals
Medical scales
Components for weighing systems
Weighing terminals
Load cells
Duplicate displays
Equipment for linear-angular measurements
Laser trackers Leica
Coordinate measuring machines
Coordinate-measuring arms
Calipers and depth gauge
Internal dimensions measurement
Electronic indicators, dial gauge, test indicators (lever type)
Vertical length gauges and shankenders
Measures of length, angle measures, adjusting rings
Electronic devices for measuring length
Measuring instruments for the straightness, angle and tilt
Devices for measuring large parts
Calibration devices
Measuring tripods measuring stands, auxiliary devices
Equipment for measuring roundness, roughness and shape
Equipment for measuring roughness, ripple, micro- and macro profiles (WAVELINE)
Equipment for measuring deviations from roundness and shape (FORMLINE)
Equipment for non-contact measurement of bodies of rotation (OPTICLINE)
Equipment for level measurement and level detection of substances
VEGA (Германия)
Continuous level measurement
Level switching
Pressure and level
Indication, signal processing, ajustment
New products from VEGA
VEGA brochures
Equipment for flow measurement
ASA (Италия)
Metal Tube
Electromagnetic flowmeters
Equipment for pressure and temperature measurement
Mechanical pressure gauges
Electronic process pressure transmitters
Diaphragm seals
Mechanical thermometers
Temperature transmitters
Calibrating sets
Measuring systems for machine tools
Contact sensors for measuring / setting up a process operation
Systems for setting up and detecting faulty cutting tools
Systems of calibration and diagnostics of production equipment
3D scanners, special systems and services
3D scanners and reverse engineering
Sensors and systems for various applications
Модернизация микроскопов и координатно-измерительных машин
Checking of technological accuracy and calibration of CNC machines. Evaluation of accuracy and condition of coordinate measuring machines.
Machine equipment
Spare parts and accessories for machine tools
Software and automation systems
Software for weighing systems
Software components Forpost.ActiveX
Software for CMM, 3D scanning and reverse engineering
Software for roughness control and surface contour
Software for hand tools
Universal software for operation on measuring microscopes
Software PACTware for industrial equipment setup
Weighing equipment
Components for weighing systems
Equipment for linear-angular measurements
Equipment for measuring roundness, roughness and shape
Equipment for level measurement and level detection of substances
Equipment for flow measurement
Equipment for pressure and temperature measurement
Measuring systems for machine tools
3D scanners, special systems and services
Machine equipment
Software and automation systems
Product certificates
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